The below list is not intended to be exhaustive, rather an indication of the clientele and nature of work I carry out.
- Anne McMahon, Notary Public (Welford on Avon)
- Atuakkiorfik A/S (Publishers) (Nuuk, Greenland)
- BDP (Architects/Planners) (Sheffield)
- Centre for Ethics and Law (Copenhagen)
- Copenhagen Youth Centre (KUC)
- Copper Stone Solicitors (London)
- Coroner’s Office (Bury, St Edmunds)
- DANIDA, Danish International Development Agency
- Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty (UVVU)
- Danish Council of Ethics
- Danish Embassy in London
- Danish Environmental Protection Agency
- Danish Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
- Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy
- Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Danish Rectors' Conference
- Danish Research Agency
- Danish Research Council for the Humanities
- Danish Tourism Development Centre
- Essex Police (health and safety dept.)
- Falck Danmark A/S (Copenhagen)
- Goodman Ray Solicitors (London)
- Greenland Minerals and Energy Ltd. (Australia)
- Handelsbanken (Stockholm and Oslo)
- Hans Meyer Petersen (Painter/Artist)
- Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Belgium)
- Nordic Committee on Bioethics
- Nordic Council
- Nordic Council of Ministers
- Nordic Gas Technology Centre (DONG)
- Sofiefonden (Danish Autism Association)
- Swedish Chamber of Commerce, (Gothenburg)
- Swedish Information Processing Society |